About Us
Operating since 1998, we've had a bit of time to developed long
lasting relationships with our guests, and to learn how to serve them
best. We call them friends, and we know very well that it is in fact, not
just the fish we're after. While we are die-hard, ALL weather
fisherman, we know that you need to experience Alaska, and we'd love to share with you the very best it has to offer ... we're also obsessed with steelhead. In the summertime, our lodge offers several packages for outdoorsmen of all sorts. Many of our guests spend their time chasing salmon and halibut and salmon on the ocean either with a guide or on their own, while others spend time on the streams casting to salmon or trout. Many of our guests also take advantage of world class big game opportunities, pursuing our sought after Sitka Blacktail deer or enormous black bear.
During the steelhead season, however, we've re-focused our attention to reducing our footprint on the local streams, and adding value to a small number of exclusive trips for our guests. The steelhead is a very special fish, and has been threatened in many other parts of the world. We realize that we need to be very careful with this resource, as to not overwhelm it. For this reason, and for our deep appreciation for the joys of steelheading, we reserve only a few slots for small groups to join us for exclusive stays at the lodge.
Meet our guides
Born in Minnesota, Luther moved to Prince of Wales Island with his family in 2007. He instantly realized that he had “arrived”, and had no intentions of calling anywhere else home. He’s intimately aware of the blessing it was to grow up in such a place, with so much opportunity in the outdoors, “without all the people”. He took his first job in 2011 at Adventure Alaska Southeast. He paid his way through a civil engineering degree, guiding and running charters for the lodge, and stayed right at home after graduation to take over lodge operations entirely. He’s been operating the lodge since 2020, and is having a ball doing it. He’s simply obsessed with fishing, and people.
Devin is a born and raised Alaskan. Starting with Adventure Alaska in YEAR!!, he’s worked with members of our team for several years whether here or there. He spent two seasons running sleds up rivers in interior Alaska, guiding people to salmon, dolly varden, and Rainbow trout. During this time that he was away from our neck of the woods, he got his diesel mechanic certificate, rounding off his fishing skills and handiness alike. Well, it’s hard to keep a young man away from Southeast Alaska, so he’s wound up back here doing what he loves. He’s earned his way into our little circle here in this secret corner of the world, and we’re very glad he’s with us. Oh… and this guy can toss a fly…
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.
Born in Minnesota, Luther moved to Prince of Wales Island with his family in 2007. He instantly realized that he had “arrived”, and had no intentions of calling anywhere else home. He’s intimately aware of the blessing it was to grow up in such a place, with so much opportunity in the outdoors, “without all the people”. He took his first job in 2011 at Adventure Alaska Southeast. He paid his way through a civil engineering degree, guiding and running charters for the lodge, and stayed right at home after graduation to take over lodge operations entirely. He’s been operating the lodge since 2020, and is having a ball doing it. He’s simply obsessed with fishing, and people.
Danny does everything around here! Born in Thorne Bay, Danny has “been around these parts”, and has been a key member of our team since YEAR!, He and Emma married in YEAR!, and have been working together here to keep the wheels turning on this joint since! They enjoy fishing, hunting, and spending time with family. Oh… and we’re excited that theirs is about to grow!!
“Everyone needs a Rita!” Rita has been helping us out in the office since YEAR! She moved to Thorne Bay with her family in YEAR. Her and Her husband Tim raised a family here, living off of the land. She’s such an incredible help, and a joy to be around!